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Akkaretty Karisalangkanni Powder 100 g


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SKU: 8904566701529 Categories: , , ,

False Daisy is an annual commonly found growing in waste ground. Stems are erect or prostate, entirely velvety, often rooting at nodes. Oppositely arranged stalkless, oblong, lance-shaped, or elliptic leaves are 2.5-7.5 cm long. It has a short, flat or round, brown stem and small white daisy-like flowers on a long stalk. Eclipta grows abundantly in the tropics and is used with success in Ayurvedic medicine. Bhringaraj was used by Hindus in their Shradh, the ceremony for paying respect to a recently deceased person. This plant is one of the Hindu?s ?Ten Auspicious Flowers? and is sometimes called, ?the king of hair.?

Medical Benefits:
Good for hair strengthening.

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